

Sunday - 8:30AM & 11:00am sunday school , 9:45AM Worship Service | WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY 6:15PM- 7:15PM


Each week, our Sunday morning KB Kids Church and Wednesday night KB KIDS program is providing a solid biblical teaching, engaging worship, group games, and take-home family resources which is all wrapped in a fun, energetic experience that our kids are truly enjoying! As our kids grow, their understanding of foundational truths grows with them. That's why it is important to us at Kathleen Baptist Church to share the Good News of Jesus to our kids every chance we can.
We use "Bible Studies for Life" as our choice of curriculum for our kids. This particular Sunday Morning Bible Study is designed in a way to help our kids learn in a way that is best for them to understand. This ensures every kid in our church has a transformative, age-appropriate encounter with God’s Word so that we can invest our energy where it’s needed most: in our kids!

Semester Highlights:

February 8th - Clay Shoot Event Supporting KB KIDS Summer Activities

February 23rd - KB KIDS Sports Night

March 17th-20th - Spring Break Activities

June 9th - Vacation Bible School Week

June 16th - KB KIDS Summer Camp

July 14th - KB KIDS Adventure Camp

On Campus Policy

When Adult events are happening on Campus (ex. Sunday School, Worship Service, Wednesday Night Bible Studies, Family Fellowship, etc...) A parent/authorized adult must remain on campus whenever your child is in our care. We try our best to serve with excellence and need your help in assuring all children’s wellbeing and safety.

KB kIDS Wednesday Night

Hello KB KIDS Families! Please read this UPDATE regarding our Wednesday Night Bible Study Procedures!

  • Kindergarten - 5th Grade Kids will be in the Gym/Worship Center. Doors open at 5:45. We start at 6:05. Drop off and Pickup will be through the southside double metal doors across from the church office. (Parents, We want you to check your child in with KidCheck. Please do this by coming to the Gym and Checking in with our Check-in Person)
  • Preschool age children need to be dropped off in the preschool wing for Mission Friends. Doors open at 5:45 with a 6:05 Start. (Please use KidCheck to Sign your Child in. We have a computer in the front large room)
  • Babies - 2yr old not potty trained will need to be dropped off to their teachers in the LITTLES room. Doors open at 5:45 (Please use KidCheck and print off a label for your child)

All Preschoolers need to be picked up at 7:15 but no later than 7:20.

All Kindergarten - 5th graders need to be picked up between 7:20-7:29. But not later than 7:30.ALL KB KIDS WILL BE PICKED UP IN THE GYM! Parents will wait outside along the wall by the southside double metal doors across from the church office. A KB KIDS Leader will open the door and call out children to their parents for dismissal.

Due to our KBC Worship Team's Rehearsal, we ask that once you pick up your children, that you would exit the Gym/Worship Center. They start their rehearsal immediately after our Wednesday Night Bible Studies.

Lastly, If you have a teenager that you have to pick up and Pastor Matt has not finished his Youth Group Bible Study, please do not have your KB KIDS enter the Youth Center. This will help with disruptions as the Youth Group Wraps up their Study @ 7:30pm.

Sign Up for KidCheck

(Preschool-KB KIDS)

Babies-PreK Children

Drop Off Time Begins at 9:05

Drop Off through the South Glass Door in the Preschool Wing

Kindergarten - 5th Grade

Drop Off Time Begins at 9:05

K & 1st Grade - Classroom Fellowship Hall Rm. 9

2nd & 3rd Grade - Classroom Fellowship Hall Rm. 10

4th & 5th Grade - Classroom Fellowship Hall Rm. 13

Elementary Sunday School Teachers will take children to our transition room after class-10:15ish. All children will use the restroom at this time and then will go upstairs for KB KIDS Church @ 10:30!

Both Preschool and KB KIDS Church children need to be picked up immediately after Church Service!